Songs So Far
Original Song #18 - Gaza Strip Is Falling Down (Song Adaptation)

Original Song #18 - Gaza Strip Is Falling Down (Song Adaptation)

Watching genocide one child at a time

Nursery rhymes are supposed to be somewhat silly and fun. That’s why children love to sing-a-long and act out the words.

Sorry to spoil the joyfulness, but the senseless killing of kids in the Gaza Strip is abhorrent to watch and even worse to surmise the pain and suffering of innocent humans.

The traditional song, London Bridge Is Falling Down, is a classic English nursery rhyme from the 17th century. It’s a tale about trying to repair a broken-down bridge back to a functional state.

There are so many variations and meanings to this song that it is almost meaningless to try to decipher its interpretation.

Gaza Strip Is Falling Down is quite the opposite.

Song Background:

I can’t even remember how this song came to me. The daily carnage out of the Gaza Strip seems unreal. I draw a hard line when children are abused, not protected or are victims of political wars.

I don’t care about religion, history, alliances or economic interests.

Nothing justifies the wanton killing of kids under any belief system or supranatural cause.

[WARNING: Lyric video to follow with disturbing images from the Gaza Strip.]

In Remembrance:

Source: Maktoob Media (Fair Use)

This is Hind Rajab. She was killed at age 6.

Her family was trying to flee the bombardment of Gaza Strip, when their vehicle was struck and disabled. Hind and a 15-year-old relative survived the initial attack and made a desperate call to Hind’s mother.

A Palestinian Red Crescent team was sent to rescue them. The 15-year-old was shot dead by advancing soldiers and tanks. Hind was left alone to fend off fear of dying after losing phone contact.

Twelve days later, the two ambulance paramedics and Hind were all found dead.

This is just one story.

There are thousands of dead children in the Gaza Strip after the October 7 attack by Hamas. They are not terrorists nor combatants.


Verse:     C - G - C   
Chorus:  C - G - C           
Bridge:   F - C - G


Gaza Strip is falling down
Falling down, falling down
Gaza Strip is falling down
Gaza Strip is falling

Families gather to die as one
Buried in rubble, nowhere to run
Lifeless limbs lie in the sun
Mark the graves of little ones
Gaza Strip is falling

Hospitals blown to smithereens
Leaving babies behind to scream
No human touch to ease the pain
Living just to die in vain
Gaza Strip is falling

And the children cry
Watching the falling sky
Crushed to the ground
Where dreams carry no sound
Where dreams carry no sound

No land, no shelter, no escape
Trapped by political fate
A people damned in their homeland
Waiting for nations to take a stand
Gaza Strip is falling

Gaza Strip is falling down
Falling down, falling down
Gaza Strip is falling down
Gaza Strip is falling

Image Credits

Palestinian News & Information Agency (Wafa)
Maktoob Media


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