Songs So Far
Original Song #20 - Oh, Lahaina

Original Song #20 - Oh, Lahaina

A remembrance of the tragic loss of life and a traditional heritage

When tragedy occurs far away, the attention dwindles down very fast after the initial newsflashes singe your emotions. Hawai’i is far away from the mainstream of the American mindset.

It’s still exotic to the mainland.

For most of us, Maui is this unparalleled paradise that represents a sort of Shangri-La destination of calm waves and peaceful coexistence with nature.

In August 2023, wildfires destroyed 80% of Lahaina and accounted for 101 deaths. How could this happen in Maui, of all places? It’s far too modern and managed for the interests of both outside elites and mainland tourists.

Lahaina’s history is full of ‘visitors’ from maritime whalers, immigrant Asians and Christian missionaries.

All of these non-natives helped to change the agriculture, the landscape, the development, the land ownership and the management of this traditional land.

Song Background:

I’ve never set foot on the soil of Hawai’i, but I feel like I know it. I’ve lived in the tropics for over 30 years. I know lushness, rainfall and tropical landscapes.

I also know mass tourism, over-development and property commodification.

In my mind, Lahaina represents a vestige of authentic culture surrounded by the modern paradigm of excess and exploitation.

This song reflects the hope that Lahaina’s ancient past did not burn to ashes as well.

Shout Out:

There are many organizations still active in the recovery and rehabilitation of Lahaina and Maui.

Please visit this list of local aid groups to determine which ones offer services that align with your intentions to provide cash or support.


Verse:     Em - G (4x)   
Chorus:  Asus2 - Open - G(note) 
Bridge:   E7sus4 - Cadd9          


Oh, Lahaina
Oh, Lahaina
Oh, Lahaina
Oh, Lahaina

A land in between
Nature and the obscene
Stay strong now

Oh, Lahaina (4x)
Burned to the sea
A proud legacy
Stay strong now

In the shadow of the rain
Grows the thirsty sugarcane
Killing off the ulu tree
Maui's eco destiny

Oh, Lahaina (4x)
Stand your sacred ground
As vultures circle down
Stay strong now

Oh, Lahaina (4x)
Stay strong now

[Main Photo Credit: Wtp22 CC4.0]


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Songs So Far
Original songs and lyrics published