Songs So Far
Original Song #19 - The Prince of No Peace

Original Song #19 - The Prince of No Peace

Why does war always win out over peace? Is the Prince of Peace a misnomer? Are we sick yet of all the ugliness?

Just as the Covid-19 freeze was thawing and life felt somewhat normal, the world got back to its primary tasks of war and misery.

Russian troops invaded eastern Ukraine in February 2022 and Hamas fighters, out of Gaza, initiated a surprise attack on Israeli citizens and military outposts in October of 2023.

Now the rest of the planet awaits in angst as the threat of a wider regional conflict, including nuclear bomb retaliation, increases with every dead innocent child or hostage.

So the end of 2023 turned out to be real shitty and 2024 is not changing course.

Song Background:

With all the turmoil on the Twitter feeds, it was impossible not to be inundated with the gory details of the war machinery. The never-ending atrocities of cross-battle casualties, displaced victims and interrupted lives set the mood.

In regard to religious and political reasoning, it always seems that wrath is on afterburner mode, while peace never picks up the pace.

What is wrong with humanity?

Shout Outs:

Working for peace is a tough gig. Warmongers prefer the streets to be quiet, not full of protesters highlighting your sinister overseas deeds.

There are two organizations, with very different approaches, to highlight for outstanding work to thwart needless military intervention.

First, CODEPINK may have feminist grassroots, but they are very active on the political frontlines of calling for the end of imperial warfare.

Second, leads the way to inform the public on the pursuits of the war machine. Based on an Libertarian ethos, they promote non-interventionism as paramount to freedom abroad and at home.


Verse:     Em - D - Am   
Chorus:  C7 (9) - D           
Bridge:   Em -D - Am


I'm so sick of war and poverty
There's no end to the cruelty
Do you fight to save your soul?
By using hate to gain control

The Prince of No Peace
Died on the cross
For a world that still kills
Humankind at any cost

I'm so sad for war refugees
Shattered lives, total misery
Children learn what they see
Killing is life, what else can it be

The Prince of No Peace
Died on the cross
For a world that still kills
Humankind at any cost

War is a racket
For the rich to rule
Protecting the profits
For the favored few

I'm so tired of power games
Invading lands to fan the flames
Leaders cower to the neocons
Using troops as global pawns

The Prince of No Peace
Died on the cross
For a world that still kills
Humankind at any cost

I'm so sick of war and poverty


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