Songs So Far
Original Song #17 - My Judgment Day

Original Song #17 - My Judgment Day

Looking inward to gain insight into my intent to write songs about the outside world

A new year deserves a new song. And especially since I’ve been remiss to keep up my song output pace.

It’s the end of one funky year and rolling into another sketchy one. Time for contemplation.

The current state of the world is a mess. Maybe it’s always been that way. Nonetheless, songwriting helps to put perspectives in a coherent order.

For me, the end of the line is closer than the starting one. Time constraints tend to push you past the comfortable into the muck of reality.

So at the beginning of 2024, I better start to “measure up in my own way”.

(And there is a surprise coming up soon to follow up new songs. Stay tuned.)

Song Background:

In songwriting circles there is a popular quote coined by an American country music writer named Harlan Howard:

Three chords and the truth

This is an explanation that a good song only requires a few basic music chords and an authentic message. It’s worked for thousands and thousands of songs.

My Judgment Day is just another simple example.

Shout Out:

Songwriting is now a passion and a purpose. In the past year, I’ve grown into the craft with the help of two key online mentors from Clay Mills and Marty Dodson. Their influence shows up in every song I write. And they don’t even know it yet.


Verse:     D - A - E     
Outro:     A - G - E


I got a lot on my mind
It's tough to understand
Nothing seems right in the world today
There's too much pain to reconcile
Way too much pain

I wish ol' Prine was still around
To sing those small town songs
He always made good with the good folk
Talking 'bout how life went wrong
Something always goes wrong

If I don't act and speak out now
Nothing's gonna hardly change
I better measure up in my own way
Before I meet my Judgment Day
Before I'm dead and gone


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Songs So Far
Original songs and lyrics published