Songs So Far
Original Song #16 - The Country Where I'm From

Original Song #16 - The Country Where I'm From

Kowtowing to a biased political narrative is never a good idea

Sometimes it’s the little things that piss you off. Because you know it’s wrong, one-sided and uncalled for.

I play tennis. I watch tennis. I follow the sport. I don’t like politics picking favorites.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, tennis players from both Russia and Belarus have been subjected to absurd restrictions. They cannot display their home country flags, nor can their native lands be mentioned by commentators and interviewers. The ATP and WTA, professional tennis organizations, treat them like alien participants.

Of course, I can’t expect Ukrainian players to shake hands at the net or treat Russian players with sporting respect. First, that’s human nature. Plus, their own nationals would disown them.

But to choose sides in a war is a farce and a disgrace to the sport and all its competitors. I hate hypocrisy and feckless leadership. If you kowtow once to a political agenda, then your independence and integrity are finished.

As an anti-war advocate, the decision of tennis officials to discriminate against Russian and Belarussian players was kowtowing to a mainstream narrative hellbent on a proxy war to weaken Russia and China and bully Europe.

Song Background:

I call this song a “One Day Wonder” because it all came together in just a day. I wrote about the process in the essay Stick With Song Ideas That Stick in Your Head. The phrase “the country where I’m from” was spoken during an interview with Russian tennis player Andrey Rublev. It sounded surreal and awkward.

Getting ticked off is a songwriter’s catalyst. It allows you to tap into your anger and spew out a rant or counter-message with full effect.

Shout Out:

Most officials in the tennis world are just complicit bobbleheads, sacrificing values for paychecks. There is no one willing to say the obvious or call out the idiocy of a biased policy. In the near future, will American, Australian, European, Japanese and others be targeted for the same treatment?

Stay tuned.


Verse:      C#m - A - E    
Chorus:   B - A - E          


I can't say
You can't say
The country where I'm from

There's no flag to fly
Only an empty space
There's no good reason why
To erase my birthplace

I can't say
You can't say
The country where I'm from

There's no fair play
In the empire game
Wars never go away
Tomorrow who's to blame
Who's to blame

I can't say
You can't say
The country where I'm from


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Except in special cases, my original songs are free to the public. Please be mindful that alterations for racist intent is not permitted. Be critical, not hateful.

Thanks for listening to Scobiphonic.


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